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Назва: Філософське осмислення проблеми медичного труентизму
Автори: Салій, А.В.
Мокляк, Є.В.
Важнича, О.М.
Ключові слова: причини труентизму
дослідники труентизму
медичний труентизм
Дата публікації: 2014
Видавець: Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В.Г. Короленка
Короткий огляд (реферат): Стаття присвячена проблемі медичного труентизму як прагнення певної частини лікарів до корисної творчої праці за межами медицини, яка характеризується високим професіоналізмом, гуманізмом і видатним внеском у розвиток цивілізації. Поява медичних труентів у суспільстві зумовлюється необхідністю протипоставити високим технологіям сучасної медицини різнобічність та гуманізм особистості лікаря.
The article is devoted to the problem of medical truancy as desire of some doctors to the useful creative work outside of medicine that is characterized by professionalism, humanism and outstanding contribution to the development of civilization. Truant is a person engaged in another case, in addition to the medical profession, which he(she) was designed, highly competent and engaged. Truant makes a huge contribution due not only interest but also by self-education or additional fundamental preparation. Unlike amateur truant is a professional not only in the medicine, but also in the area which concerns his(her) non-medical activities. The development of the doctrine of medical truancy is associated with the names of B. Moynihan, T.K. Monro and Russian scientist A.P. Zilber. History has over 2,000 names of famous doctors-truants since the Ancient World to the ending of the XX century. Doctors-truants often realize their talents in the fields of music, literature, science, and political activities or law. The main reasons for the emergence of medical truants are the desire to extend outside of medicine, striving to improve the human spiritually, the desire for self-improvement and to obtain satisfaction from the creative process and certain personality traits. The need for medical truants exists at the present stage of social development and is due to the fact that doctors-truants promote harmonization of medicine and its integration with other sciences, enhance spirituality in the relationship of doctor and patient, encourage communication among prominent personalities. Although the history of medicine and philosophy of science often turn to doctors-truants’ biographies, there is no universally accepted definition of the term, truants classification, analysis of the truancy causes that requires a detailed study of the problem, as truants made a significant contribution to the development of human knowledge and morality.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3597
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