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Кафедра педагогічної майстерності та менеджменту імені І.А. Зязюна >
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Автори: Sas, N.
Сас, Н.М.
Samarskaya, L.
Ключові слова: стратегія
стратегія вирішення проблем
участь в програмі обміну
програма обміну
Дата публікації: 2020
Короткий огляд (реферат): According to UNESCO, in 2010, 3.6 million students have completed higher education outside their home country. For comparison, in 2000, about 2 million students were studying abroad in the world, and their estimated number will reach 5.8 million in 2020 [Santiago P., Tremblay K., Basri E., Arnal E., 2008]. The number of students studying abroad (including exchange programs), the desire to provide and improve the level of educational services related to the admission of foreign students, necessitates the study of the problems the exchange students encounter, encourages the analysis of theory and practice of applying behavioral forms that can help exchange students to overcome the barriers while studying and staying abroad. By "exchange students," we mean the social phenomenon, status, and process of gaining knowledge and skills in a non-national institution of study and characterize their social feeling as a marginal state [Samarska L., 2017]. The social feeling of a student abroad is characterized by a marginal state: the influence of another culture, traditions, behaviors and the need to adhere to the values, norms and rules of the host country; the necessity of adjusting their routine to a new model or finding acceptable substitutes; building an alternative to the permanent and habitual image of the self (including the level of one's own educational aspirations and limitations).
Опис: Sas N. M. APPLICATION OF PROBLEM-SOLVING STRATEGIES UNDER CONDITION OF PARTICIPATING IN EXCHANGE PROGRAMS / N. M. Sas, L. A. Samarskaya // Научное окружение современного человека: экономика и торговля, менеджмент и маркетинг, туризм и рекреация, образование и педагогика, филология, языковедение и литературоведение, юридические и политические науки. Книга 3. Часть 2: серия монографий / [авт. кол. : И. Я. Львович, Г. А. Мохоров, Ю. П. Олексин, Н. Н. Сас, Н. М. Сирота и др.]. – Одесса: КУПРИЕНКО СВ, 2020. – С. 87-93.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14620
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