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Назва: The secrets of the novel
Автори: Chyzhevska, A.
Ключові слова: novel
literary terms
Northrop Frye
Don Quixote
Miguel de Cervantes
Daniel Defoe
French novelists
György Lukács
Mikhail Bakhtin
Дата публікації: 2021
Короткий огляд (реферат): All over the world, people like to read different kind of novels, but none of them knows WHAT the term Novel means. The question “What is the Novel?” is still an open problem in scientific world. Till nowadays researchers cannot solve it completely. The main questions is, – why? Probably because many literary terms and concepts do not have a single meaning and definition of the following term. These equivalents are ambiguous. In addition, they have changed from time to time and acquired new meanings. This testifies to the great variety and infinity of meanings of fiction. It is like a sea or an ocean that never stops and always surprises us with its unpredictable changes.
Опис: Chyzhevska A. The secrets of the novel / A. Chyzhevska // Perspectives of Comparative World Literature and Cultural Studies: Collection of research papers by students And graduate students of Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University (Ukraine) and Saitama State University (Japan) / Ed. Susumu Nonaka, Olga Nikolenko. – Kyiv: Lebed’, 2021. – C. 14-20.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16401
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