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Автори: Lukashova, Yu.
Лукашова, Ю.О.
Ключові слова: didactic games
career guidance
acquaintance of children with professions
дидактичні ігри
знайомство дітей з професії
Дата публікації: 2020
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article highlights the features of career guidance work with preschool children. It is established that various tools and methods of work are used in the process of preschool children’s career guidance. The effectiveness of the use of didactic games in the process of forming children’s knowledge about the adults’ professional activities is proved. The main types of didactic games that contribute to the enrichment of children’s knowledge about professions are games with objects, board-printed games, and verbal games. Samples are provided, and the features of their use in preschool educational institutions are described. It is established that depending on the information, children have, didactic games perform different functions, such as acquaintance, consolidation, testing of children’s knowledge about professions. Based on the analysis of the methodological support in a preschool educational institution on the problem of career guidance of preschool children, it was found that modern preschool education orients kindergarten teachers to form children’s general knowledge about the most common professions, ignoring those that have emerged in recent years. The content of didactic games is offered, which is aimed at acquainting preschool children with the professions that emerge in modern society. Didactic games are divided depending on the type of human activity, and samples are developed for each type: a person – holiday, a person – computer, a person – the sphere of services, a person – image; requirements and recommendations are provided to educators regarding their implementation in the process of preschoolers’ career guidance.
Опис: Lukashova Yu. PRESCHOOLERS’ CAREER GUIDANCE BY MEANS OF DIDACTIC GAMES /Yu. Lukashova // Středoevropský věstník pro vědu a výzkum • 5(66) 2020. - P. 67-72.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16790
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