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Назва: Components of the development of resilience of teachers in the conditions of war in Ukraine (Складники розвитку резилієнтності викладачів в умовах війни в Україні)
Автори: Лебедик, Л.В.
Стрельніков, В.Ю.
Lebedyk, L.
Strelnikov, V.
Ключові слова: викладач
неперервна освіта
курси підвищення кваліфікації
заклад неперервної освіти
professional development courses
continuous education
institution of continuous education
Дата публікації: 2024
Короткий огляд (реферат): The authors, relying on the practical work of domestic and foreign researchers, offer advanced training courses «Technologies of effective pedagogical communication and provision of psychosocial support to participants in the educational process» to develop the resilience of teachers in the conditions of war in Ukraine, the experience of V. G. Korolenko Poltava National Pedagogical University and M. V. Оstrohradskyi Poltava Academy of Continuous Education on the fulfillment of the requirement of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine regarding the completion of professional development courses by teaching staff to improve knowledge, skills and practical skills in terms of providing psychosocial support to participants in the educational process in the conditions of war in Ukraine. The essence of the term «resilience» is outlined (as a dynamic, complex, multidimensional complex of individual characteristics, its ability to resist and adapt to adverse and traumatic events); «resilience» (as a person's ability to withstand life's difficulties, quickly recover and successfully adapt in adverse circumstances; a dynamic personality property that, although it is innate, can and should be developed).
Опис: Lesya Lebedyk, Viktor Strelnikov. Components of the development of resilience of teachers in the conditions of war in Ukraine. Modern trends in the science, education and business : Monograph / Eds. Svitlana Arkhypova, Dimitrina Kamenova. Varna: Varna University of Management, 2024. 222 p. P. 119–140.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/24209
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