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Назва: Ritual and ritual dance in the author's stage versions of individual representatives of modern dance of the 20TH century: pecularities of aesthetics and composition
Автори: Погребняк, М.М.
Pogrebnyak, M.
Ключові слова: танець «модерн»
театральний танець
ритуальний танець
естетичні особливості
modern dance
theatrical dance
ritual dance
ballet master
aesthetic features
Дата публікації: 2024
Короткий огляд (реферат): Relevance of research. As early as the beginning of the 20th century in the work of the first representatives of the modern style in choreography author’s versions of the stage embodiment of the essence of certain rituals and the stylization of ritual dance in accordance with the worldview beliefs of the artist appear. This stylization, in accordance with the stylistic typology of modern dance, is based on such aesthetic principles as: rejection of historical and everyday conventions and complete freedom of forms, which are manifested, first of all, in peculi-arities of the stylization of the ethnic costume and the processing of ethno-choreographic lexical material, – the second is that new technical principles («collapse», isolation, etc.) allow to transform the ethnic, in particular ritual dance vocabulary in the direction of greater expressiveness and symbolism. Among the most urgent problems in the field of theory and practice of new directions of theatrical dance is the study of the peculiarities of aesthetics and composition of the stage embodiment of ritual dance. The purpose of this scientific exploration is the systematization and comparative analysis of the features of aesthetics, composition with specification of the styles of the dance component of the most famous author’s stage versions of the ritual and ritual dance of representatives of modern dance of the 20th century Ruth Sen-Deni, R. Ginner, V. Nizhinsky, B. Nizinska, M. Bezhar, P. Baush. The research methodology is based on the using of the biographical, source studies and the method of in-cluded observation in the study of the creative works of representatives of modern dance in the field of stylized ritual and folk dance; analysis and synthesis – to reveal the features of aesthetic and composition of the stage embodiment of the ritual and ritual dance of the specified choreographers. The scientific novelty lies in the systematization and comparative analysis of the features of the aesthetics of the composition with the specification of the styles of the dance component of the most famous author’s stage versions of the ritual and ritual dance of representatives of the modern dance of the 20th century Ruth Sen-Deni, R. Ginner, V. Nizhinsky, B. Nizinska, M. Bezhar, P. Baush. Results. As a result of the analysis of the author’s stage versions of the ritual and ritual dance of representa-tives of the modern dance of the 20th century Ruth Sen-Deni, R. Ginner, V. Nizhinsky, B. Nizinska, M. Bezhar, P. Baush are found that features aesthetics, compositions with specification of the styles of the dance component of the most famous author’s stage versions of the ritual and ritual dance of representatives of the modern dance of the 20th century: the author’s interpretation of certain rituals and stylization of the ritual dance in accordance with the worldview beliefs of the artist; the using of European classical music or avantgarde music of the early 20th century; the using of various choreography for the embodiment of a stage artistic image – the movements of ritual dancers (Ruth Sen-Deni, Ruby Ginner); ritual or folk dance, stylized according to the principles of modern dance (V. Nizhinsky, B. Nizinska); modern jazz dance (M. Bezhar); expressionist dance (P. Baush).
Опис: Pogrebnyak M. Ritual and ritual dance in the author's stage versions of individual representatives of modern dance of the 20TH century: pecularities of aesthetics and composition. Science of Europe. 2024. № 154 (2024). P. 17–22. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14496519
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/25963
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